3. Seeing us in person – The examination, analysis and review of options
After your two video consultations all patients for whom rhinoplasty is an option are invited to come in person to Mr Rowe-Jones’s clinic. He will make a detailed assessment of your nose from the outside, and may also look inside through the nostrils with an endoscope (sinus endoscopy).
You may be shown the inside of your nose on a television screen using the camera on the endoscope. Examination is part of the vital process of understanding your nasal shape and its unique characteristics.
4. Seeing us in person – Rhinoplasty 3D imaging and final procedure planning
At the same visit a series of 2D and 3D digital photographs will be taken of your nose and face from various angles. Our investment in 3D technology brings additional depth and understanding of your nose and facial proportions, helping us create a realistic picture of the important aspects of your rhinoplasty, such as the three-quarter view and the shape of the nostrils, tip and bridge.
These measurements and images provide more detail, whilst the computer generated 2D & 3D impressions can be manipulated to give you an impression of what the results of your rhinoplasty surgery may look like. This process helps ensure both you and Mr Rowe-Jones are absolutely clear and happy with what you trying to achieve with your rhinoplasty. Very importantly it also helps you understand what is not possible.
Emma Rowe-Jones, Clinical Nurse Specialist will also see you. As well as the potential benefits possible for your nose, care will be taken to explain the risks and to ensure you understand them. She will also help prepare you for surgery and the early period after wards. She will ensure you know how to use our treatment regime in the lead up to your operation.